The Impatient Gardener: A summer's worth of window box

16 August 2010

A summer's worth of window box

I added a window box under the kitchen windows this summer and I just love it. Our all-white house really needed a shot of color and interest and the window box was just the ticket. But as you know, containers change through the season. I thought it would be interesting to look back and see how the window box has changed through the summer.

June 1


June 28


July 11

August 10


You can see that things have really started to fade with the heat of summer. I didn't realize just how shabby it was looking until I compared these photos. I'm looking forward to changing out the plants throughout the season, but I'm not quite ready to jump into a slightly more autumn-ish look so I'll just deal with what's there for now and try giving everything a good prune to see if I can't convince things to get going again.

Here are the plants I used:  Calibrachoa 'Superbells Blue,' Calibracho 'Superbells White,' Fiber Optic grass, Lobelia 'Lucia Dark Blue,' creeping jenny (from the garden), Angelonia 'Angelface Blue,' Angelonia 'Angelface Pink,' pink Pelagornium (geranium), lime green Nicotiana and Verbena 'Superbena Royal Chambray.'

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