A great mail order day

This time of the year, I order so many things that sometimes I forget what's due to come. So it was with great joy that I pulled into the driveway after work and saw a big box sitting on the patio. I knew immediately what it had to be: Acer japonicum aconitifoli

Lucile Whitman, is probably the sweetest person I've ever spoken with. When I bought the Kamagata last year she sent me a picture of it in an e-mail and said, "I think it will have a good home with you." It was a lot like talking to breeders when I was looking for my dogs.
Whitman farms grows their field grown trees (which is what I purchased) in root control bags, and it's a really interesting concept. As you can see, this tree is pretty big. At a local nursery it would have been in about a 5-gallon pot. The root control bags allow nutrients and water to get to the tree (which is sunk in the ground), but when it comes time to ship them, it's a lot less soil to pay to ship across the country. The root system is really healthy and not pot bound at all. When I pulled it out of the box I really couldn't believe how big it was. Sure, shipping ends up being about 33 percent of the cost of the tree, but it's still less than I would pay for a comparable tree at a local nursery, and I don't think I'd be able to find it anyway.
So the new tree went in the ground last night. We're due to get even more rain today and I didn't want it sitting around waiting to get planted. I'll post pictures of it in its new home when the sun comes out!

Labels: Acer japonicum aconitifolium, bahco, garden watchdog, japanese maple, kamagata, northcoastgardening.com, whitman farms
Awesome... When I got my first pair of Bahcos, I pruned for hours. I was so excited. I prune every day professionally, and I was looking for excuses to prune things in my own garden on my day off. That's how much I dig those suckers!
So glad you like the way they feel so far. Let me know what you think when you get a chance to use them!
And today I got the Speedy Sharp, so I can prune, prune, prune, until my new pruners need sharpening!
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