The Impatient Gardener: New year, new look

05 January 2012

New year, new look

You might think that since the blog redesign (No. 6, I think) happened around the first of the year, that it was all part of my master plan. Please, think that. I makes me look efficient. Also not at all like the procrastinator that I am.

The sad fact is that I started this months ago and I'm first getting around to getting it up now. But this time, I did the design myself. I've worked with two blog designers in the past, and they both did a nice job. But as I've mentioned before, I have a tough time explaining the vision in my head to other people. I can see it plain as day, but I can't describe it accurately. It's not that I lack the words (ha!), it's just that I don't see the details in my head but I know them when I see them, if that makes any sense. Making this worse, I'm also very particular, especially about issues related to typography. I know my fonts pretty well and I definitely have some I like and some I abhor. Making a designer search for the font living in my head but as yet unidentified by name seemed cruel. So I thought I'd torture myself with it a bit.

I also wanted something a bit more colorful, and I think this design provides that. I'm going to try to make an effort to improve on things more regularly, but the main difference you'll notice as a user is a new comment form. I've never really been happy with the Blogger comment form. It always seems sort of clunky to me and I hate that I can't directly respond to your posts. So I'm using a third party comment form that I hope you'll find easier to use. Please give a try and let me know what you think. I can always go back to the old way if necessary. You don't have to have a blog or an account anywhere to make a comment, just fill in your name and email and you should be good to go.

You can also share posts more easily now. At the bottom of each post there are some small social media buttons, which you can click on to share on various sites. I urge you to use them frequently.

If you ever see something that needs improvement, please let me know.

Oh, and no guarantees on how long this design will be around.